'The Dead By Daylight mobile team put out their 11th \"state of the game\" blog with the newest update to mobile. They\'re also introducing a new mobile exclusive feature, the \"super mystery boxes\". Super Mystery boxes can be found in the blood market and cost 15k, 30k, or 50K for the Epic Ultra Super Mystery Boxes which contain a piece for the two new exclusive outfits, \"Savannah Speedster\" cheetah print outfit for Meg Thomas and the \"Marsh Madness\" reptile skin cosmetic for the Wraith. Let\'s read about all the changes together. State of DBD Mobile Blog #11: https://www.mobile.deadbydaylight.com/post/state-of-dbd-mobile-11-super-mystery-boxes Here\'s the website to pre-register to get your rewards: https://www.mobile.deadbydaylight.com/ Here\'s the blog post about the rewards: https://www.mobile.deadbydaylight.com/post/pre-registration-is-open DBD Mobile patch notes: https://dbdmobile.helpshift.com/a/dead-by-daylight-mobile/?p=all&s=patch-notes&f=patch-notes---march-9-2020&l=en Follow DBD Mobile on their social channels: https://twitter.com/DbDMobile https://www.facebook.com/pg/dbdmobileofficial/about/ https://www.instagram.com/dbdmobile/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeDEgYNaflpW35U1gBzoag It won\'t be long now until the worldwide launch. Make sure you don\'t miss out on the rewards and pre-register today! Thanks for watching! What\'s that symbol in the corner? That\'s my \"Fog Whisperer\" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Who are the 50 Fog Whisperers that may be putting on tournaments of their own? Here\'s the list of the 50 Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this forums post: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/49385/fog-whisperers-program-launch If you\'d like to support the channel you can click join on the page on the link below for access to the special Esther emotes: https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZ52BHUeoAGmWzGf65ULSKw You can use my monthly referral link on Humble Bundle to get a ton of games every month for a fraction of the cost. Using my link helps support the channel: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=paulieesther Beautiful matte painting of the Upside Down created by Didier Konings on ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AGX8e If you enjoyed this video, please consider giving us a like and a subscribe. And ring that notification bell like a Wraith to get up the minute alerts when I post new videos! :) Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/PaulieEsther1 Follow me on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/paulieesther'
Tags: new , update , cosmetics , archive , dead by daylight , leaks , gaming , games , map , skins , twitch , Android , spoilers , iphone , let's play , dlc , patch , perks , Paulie Esther , paulieesther , speculation , charms , archivist , mobile gaming , dead by daylight mobile , windows store , DBD Mobile
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